Cutting International Science Funding Will Only Hurt America Essay

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Since the Trump administration came into power in America, President Trump has limited the many policies in many aspects. For example, the public communications of scientific agencies and the ban of immigration for seven countries, etc. Many concrete positions on scientific priorities or funding plans have been taken by the administration. President Trump has cut many funding on unnecessary science researches to improve Americans’ lot. After reading this article "Cutting International Science Funding Will Only Hurt America." written by Sarah Scoles. Here comes a question: Scientists unable to contribute to their own resources should be excluded from large scale international research project? Maybe the answer to this question is no. Reducing spending on unnecessary global science researches, President Trump will just get the opposite effects. This policies will hurt many American science and scientists. Also, it will slow the progress of benefiting the whole world. Here are three reasons that explain why scientists unable to contribute to their own resources should not be excluded from large scale international research project. First, many scientists do the researches, and some people think some researches they do are unnecessary. However, the researches seem unnecessary may be the necessary …show more content…

They may worried that whether this policies will affect their further exploration of science, or whether their research funding will be reduced. Doing the researches can always be costive. Without the support of money, their researches are very hard to continue. People will lose many essential findings in science because of the concerns on money. The American Government can reduce the spending of money on some other aspects instead of reducing the funding on the aspect of