Cyberbullying Epidemic In The United States

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Even though cyberbullying has become an epidemic in the United States, all adults must understand that bullying does not have to be a normal part of childhood. We have to stop this type of harassment because it damages and hurts young people in many ways. There should be federal laws against Cyberbullying, because cyberbullying has fatal consequences. In this essay, I will address why is it important to stop cyberbullying and how cyberbullying has personally affected teens. The importance of stopping cybercrime is critical because young people have suffered drastically. This type of harassment, unfortunately, is very complex and complicated. Social media has made it hard for many teens to accept themselves for who they are. Many warning signs that cyberbullying is occurring happens around a teen’s use of their device. The more digital platforms used by teens and tweens, the more opportunities there are for being exposed to potential cyberbullying. Cyberbullying has a negative affect on both the teen bully and the person being bullied. The long term effects of this behavior includes drug and alcohol abuse, trouble with the law, dropping out of school and committing domestic violence as an adult. …show more content…

A study done by the Cyberbullying Research Center (CRC) indicates that tween girls suffer from a disproportionate amount of cyberbullying, far more than any other demographic utilizing cell phone technology today. Because Cyberbullying is a form of bullying in which teens and tweens use technology to harass their peers. This form of bullying can take a variety of forms that are very personal in nature. Bullies tend to use a wide range of technologies to include leaving harmful email, voice, or text messages. Sometimes, bullies spread rumors about someone online or distribute unflattering photos of someone or even set up fake profiles in order to harm another