Death Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is considered the greatest love story of all time. That is because of the journey which brings the reader the world famous tragic ending where both of the lovers die. Along with breathtaking the narrative of the play Shakespeare delivers a lot of crucial morals to the reader. Most important and evident one being letting go of arguments, specifically old family feuds. While Romeo and Juliet are undoubtedly the main characters of the play as well as the victims of the old feud between their families. Death of Tybalt is far more crucial in expressing the most important moral, forgiving even the ones you despise, than the death of Romeo and Juliet. In the very opening of the play, in the Prologue song, Shakespeare makes it clear that there is an “ancient grudge”(Prologue. 3) between the families of the star crossed …show more content…

Which soon enough brings Tybalt death by none other than Romeo, the man who originally was completely against fighting Tybalt. However, Romeo could not let go of a newly formed offence, which was Tybalt killing Mercutio (Romeo’s best friend). “Now, Tybalt, take the ‘villain’ back again that late thou gavest me, for Mercutio’s soul” (3.1.129-130). This demonstrates how mad Romeo was because of Mercutio's death. As well as the fact that he was not ready to let go of that anger and wanted revenge. To which Tybalt responded with open arms and being ready to fight.” Thou wretched boy that didst consort him here shalt with him hence”(3.1.135-136). By this quote Tybalt was showing that he as well has a feud with Romeo that he is not ready to let go. Hence, the combination of Romeo and Tybalt’s unwillingness to forgive new/old conflicts leads to Tybalt’s death. It triggers an even bigger conflict which becomes the main cause of tragic ending of this play. Therefore making Tybalt's death crucial to the outcome and the whole storyline of the