Decriminalizing Truancy In Schools

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Policy Rationale By decriminalizing truancy, children will be able to obtain better social services and not introduce to the judicial system at a young age. Instead of criminalizing them now they are given a chance to learn new behaviors and find the core of the problem by introducing counselors to the truancy problem. Previous punishment were to special programming, community service, attending school on the weekend, fines up to $500, and a criminal record (Public Policy Center, 2015d). The aim of the Panhandle Promise Project is to end the cycle of incarceration by providing mentoring service and the introduction of new behaviors by criminalizing failure to attend school our children are introduce to judicial system in a negative way. They were punish by the court instead of working together with the schools to find ways to improve attendance and school performance. The new Truancy bill provides a new approach regarding the decriminalization …show more content…

Schools will be require to impose progressive sanctions before referral for truancy. The progressive sanctions have a total of three levels of interventions; first level includes a conference between child, parent, and school with follow up meetings. Attendance contract will be signed in which it includes behavioral expectation regarding the child and a detail description of the consequences of what will have if child refuses to meet the contract. Second level, schools will tried to identify reasons for not attending school, counseling referral if necessary, and referral to any other service that can focus on addressing the absences. Third level, the child and family will be referral to school-based community service, referral to school-based teen court, weekend courses, and reevaluation if child received or needs special education