Definition Essay: Defining Professional Appearance

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Defining Appearance Description: In group discussions participants will understand why a professional appearance is important at work. Duration: 25 Minutes Tags: Everyone Supplies Needed: Whiteboard, Flip chart, Workbook, Writing Utensil Workbook: Textbook: PREP: The goal of this activity is for participants to understand the definition of appearance and how it impacts others opinions. Familiarize yourself with the Bring Your “A” Game definition and the employer expectations of appearance. The Bring Your “A” Game definition of appearance is, "Being professional both in the way you act, and the way you look. Choose to be a pro.” Before the session starts, write the Bring Your “A” Game definition of appearance on the whiteboard …show more content…

Yes, the quality of your work important. But, your appearance also leaves your coworkers with an impression of your work ethic.” Ask participants: “What are some examples of professional appearance?” “What does someone who has a professional appearance look like?” “Why is professional appearance important to your success?” DO: Have participants write their definitions of attendance in their workbooks on page ####. After five minutes, ask them to share their definitions in pairs. Reveal the Bring Your “A” Game definition and instruct participants write it in their workbooks. Ask for volunteers to share what the Bring Your “A” Game definition means to them. When finished, have participants read the employer expectations. Ask for volunteers to select one of the employer expectations. Have them share why they think that expectation is important to the employer. When finished, give participants 5 minutes to complete the journal entry on the bottom of the page. RECAP: Ask participants: “What does your appearance tell your people about your work ethic?” “What kind of prejudice or disrespect have you met based on your choice of clothing?” “How does your professional appearance help people form impressions about your

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