Definition Essay On Stress

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Stress is such a common word nowadays that it seems to be a part of everyone’s day to day life. The word is used in some many ways to refer to some many different things. Our text book defines simply defines stress as “The physiological response that is activated when the mind perceives a threat.” (Olpin & Hesson, 2017, p. 402) At one point or another all of us have been through very stressful situations and would all say that we experience mild to moderate stress on a day to day basis. The way we perceive stress is different for everyone. Stress can impact us mentally and physically. For example, some people may experience tense muscles, or a rise in blood pressure, while others may experience sleep loss, appetite loss, and even a weakened …show more content…

Your goal must then be clearly measurable and attainable in a reasonable timeframe. In planning you should think through any pitfalls or potential weaknesses you might have such as procrastination or motivation and how you might combat that. It is also important to have clear and specific check points to make sure that you are on the path to achieve the goal and evaluate if the goal or pathway needs to be modified. I feel it is also important to share your goals with others who can help to encourage and motivate you along the way. My goals will be learning to say no more to help with time management and create more family time, better communication and finding my voice, stop procrastinating, and start a diet and exercise …show more content…

It in fact can boost confidence and open stronger communication. This is extremely meaningful to my own self-improvement so that I stop looking to others to make me happy and take control of my own actions and responsibilities. Being assertive and asking for what I need or what I want is truly not easy for me I control my own actions and reactions and it is time to “break the rhythm of the fear dance” (Smalley 35) so that is does not ruin the relationship. I know my problem and have identified those fear buttons but the next step is to break out. After all, “Choice equals change”. (Smalley 13) Open and honest communication is important in every healthy relationship. Communication is the essence of human interaction and learning. Positive and healthy emotional and assertive communication can help you through a conflict or tough situation. Love itself is a choice and we have to choose to listen and effectively communicate through the pain. I am someone who processes internally and then more than likely swallows my own voice if I am hurt or upset or frustrated. I know that this stresses me from the inside out. I don’t release that stress in a healthy way and it reading some self-help books lately I believe that being able to say what I feel and what I need will help with mentally, physically, and emotionally. I plan to put this into action specifically at work when I know I can’t meet an unrealistic deadline I will voice a