Born Worker: How Stress Affects The Body

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You have a test today and you haven’t studied for it. You know that you should have studied, and you're scared that you're gonna get a bad grade. You suddenly feel tired, anxious, and nervous. You're feeling stressed out. Stress is very common with 55% of people dealing with it. Stress comes in many different shapes and forms, depending on the person. One way that stress can affect someone's body and mind is when they are faced with a stressful situation, they don’t know what to do and they run away. It can also cause people to become anxious. A routine that people can do to reduce stress is go outside and get exercise. Stress can affect the body by causing us to get tired. It can cause the mind to panic when faced with stressful situations. …show more content…

Stress can also affect the mind and how we act when we are stressed. Another way that stress affects the mind is that some may panic and immediately leave when faced with stress. Evidence from the story “Born Worker” page 55 states, “I’m going home” Arnie whined. Arnie said that they should leave him there. Why should we get involved? “He cried as he started to ride his bike. “It's his own fault.” This evidence shows that Arnies response to stress from his mind is to run when he's faced with stressful situations. And this links to the main idea because when he's stressed, he runs away from the problem. More evidence from the article “Stress Drains Your Body’s Battery”. Here’s How You Can Recharge It” states,” No wonder we are communally fatigued — stress uses a tremendous amount of energy.” This evidence shows that a lot of U.S. citizens are faced with stress. And this is why a lot of people feel mentally drained. This links to the main idea because it shows the different ways that stress affects the mind. These pieces of evidence show that there are many ways that stress affects a person. And each of those ways are crucial to how severe stress is to the mind. There are different strategies or routines that we can use to help prevent