Definition Essay Stress

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We all experience our share of stress and worry in today's society. Considering the changes and experiences in our daily lives, to include the many environmental and social issues taking place, there is no way around it. Stress comes in many forms and impacts each individual differently; however, it really comes down to how that individual perceives and handles stressors that come their way.

Believe it or not, there are two types of stress. We have positive stress that keeps us on our toes. It helps us to be motivated and productive in our daily lives. Then we have negative stress which can stem from a simple misplaced item to major problems like losing a job, financial problems, divorce, chronic illness and the death of a loved one. All these stressors have the …show more content…

According to Wikipedia, "Cortisol is a steroid hormone, or glucocorticoid, produced by the adrenal gland. It is release in response to stress and low-level of blood glucocorticoids." When cortisol is released in your system, it will not only slow down your metabolism but it will cause unhealthy food cravings and emotional eating.

This is the type of behavior that derails your weight-loss goals. How many times have you found yourself stressed out - craving ice cream, potato chips, fast food or chocolate? How about eating everything in sight?

Cravings aren't the only symptoms of stress. There are numerous other alarming symptoms. For example, stress can make you irritable, snappy and sometimes unsociable. It creates stomach ulcers, tension headaches, skin and hair disorders, depression, heart disease, high blood pressure and insomnia, to name a few. Drugs and alcohol are sometimes used to help cope with stressors; however, this is only a temporary solution. Some recognize these behaviors and can sometimes take control of them, while others don't realize these behaviors until it's too

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