
Obesity In America Essay

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There is a myriad of factors that have fueled the obesity epidemic in the United States. Before discussing those factors, we must first define what obesity is. Obesity is defined as the condition of being grossly fat or overweight, body mass index greater than 30, and body fat percentage of 25 to 32 percent. The most obvious factor behind the obesity epidemic is clearly overeating and sedentary lifestyle over the past 60 years. Obesity is closely linked with poor nutrition habits and inactive lifestyles. Many Americans are not nutritionally educated and can’t make proper dietary choices. Therefore, a lack of dietary education has influenced the obesity epidemic. Technological advances in televisions, social media, and gaming have prompted many Americans to stay inside and relish in front of television screens and cell phones. On average Americans spend 3.2 to 4.4 hours per day on Facebook alone. New age gaming systems such as PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo WII, and Alien Ware laptops has prompted …show more content…

Scientific studies have demonstrated that overeating can be attributed to stress. Daily stressors such as work, marriage, and life changing events place great amounts of stress on us, and many cases it causes us to use food as a coping mechanism. This is an “unhealthy’’ coping mechanism and often times forces us to consume extra calories in our diets, which in turn causes us to gain excessive weight. Socioeconomic factors contribute to the obesity epidemic. Many Americans across the United States can’t afford healthier food choices and are forced to consume foods that may be high in fat and low in macronutrients. Healthier options may not be feasible because the healthier establishments may not be nearby. We also live in a society where, if you are “happy”, nothing else matters, even if you are severely overweight. This social norm is also an underlying factor that contributes to

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