Definition Essay On Trashy Environment

713 Words3 Pages

Hannah Smith
27 January 2016
ACC English
Trashy Environment
With the environment increasingly becoming worst and worst, now seems about the time to start thinking about some possible changes for what lies ahead of us. Think about it, the future will have to clean up after us, and honestly, who likes to clean up someone else's mess? American needs to become greener. So no more paper, plastic, and pollution. Lets all take part into a world where we reuse everything, and I mean everything. Taking the step into an “ecofriendly” world will last a lifetime and directly impact the future descendants. Don’t waste the green in your wallet and jump onto the modern trend of being a trash free and when in doubt, recycle it out.
Now, let me explain …show more content…

The ozone layer becomes damaged and very hurt by the smell, and screams at us giving us storms such as rain, snow, and tornadoes as punishment. So why don’t we fix this and go back to 1815 and ride horse and buggy? They are low cost, beautiful, and can even run up to 40 miles an hour believe it or not. In the long run, this would actually free up the atmosphere and we could actually feel the fresh air blowing onto our faces in peace! On the other hand, our trash. I cannot say enough how much it hurts. Everything we buy, sell, make requires some kind of plastic whether it's to preserve it, protect it, or whatever, but the earth frowns upon it all. Other bummer is many Americans refuse to recycle because of the extra surcharge it brings. An average household can save $35 dollars a month if they just stick to trash, no recycling. The wallets may be a little greener, but in the long run, it may be filled with doubt. Us Americans are even struggling for places to create a landfill that doesn’t take away the beauty of our …show more content…

So here is some words of advice: just go green and spread green. So if this means you have to go out and buy a new green suit and tie or paint the automobile green to stay green, do it. If drinking rain water isn’t your thing, at least reuse your BPA free waterbottle and don’t clutter up the earth with unnecessary waste. The holes are just becoming bigger and bigger, and getting out of them will take lots of climbing and people to help pull us