
Definition Essay: What Is The Cause Of Stress?

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“Stress is like spice - in the right proportion it enhances the flavor of a dish. Too little produces a bland, dull meal; too much may choke you.” -Donald Tubesing Stress can be defined as physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural responses to events that one takes as threatening or challenging. It is an entity that knocks ones homeostasis, or body’s balance, out of whack and makes one’s mind anxious. Stress is something that everyone is born with and feels, at one point or another. It may have been necessary for survival long ago, and while we do not depend on it nearly as much anymore, it still invades our lives. The stress response is known to be both related to the nervous and the endocrine glands in the body. Also, the sympathetic …show more content…

Some people come to be stressed about something internally caused, and other times the source can be external. Stressors can be mild to severe. An example of an external mild stressor would be getting stuck in traffic, losing your phone, etc. An example of a severe stressor would be a family member passing away, one’s home burning down and finding oneself suddenly homeless, etc. While oftentimes one may think of the bad things like small annoyances in everyday lives being a cause for stress, the good things like promotions, moving, family additions are also causes for one to feel stress. Any sort of change, whether it is sudden, or known beforehand, can be stressful on anyone, knowing one has to adapt, and conform to the situation, or outcome of whatever is to …show more content…

It is a necessary tool to know how to deal with and handle things that are stressful in one's life. One can master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize one’s sources of stress with the right strategy. First, one could get rid or change the stressor and this is called problem-focused coping. This mechanism usually requires better time management, self-monitoring, and problem solving skills. (Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies) This usually means to take an issue one has, and find the solution. For example, say an individual is constantly late for work because they get stuck in traffic, while this situation is stressful, it can be solved by leaving earlier for work. Another method often used to deal with stress is called emotion-focused coping. Oftentimes, this mechanism requires one to choose to either accept or reject negative emotions from stress, and deal with them, and ultimately learn how to keep them under control. (Association for Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies) This technique for coping is realizing how one feels about something, being aware of it, and choosing to react in a different way. This technique minimizes the issue and makes it manageable., or let go of something that is out of one’s control. Anothing coping mechanism is to ignore something that one finds stressful. Not everything is within one’s control, and not everything warrants a reaction,

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