Del Monte Advertisement Analysis: The Magazine Ladies Home Journal

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It’s no secret that companies spend a lot of time, effort, and money on just one single advertisement – possibly much more than one might think. When creating an ad, there are many aspects that the company needs to consider. The arrangement of objects on a single page, the colors used that the viewer will easily notice, and the words that the corporation have methodically strung together are all crucial characteristics when an advertisement is in the making. An advertisement for Del Monte, in the magazine Ladies’ Home Journal, has done a spectacular job in meeting these standards when promoting their fresh cut green beans. The magazine Ladies’ Home Journal is directed at adult women from the ages of thirty to fifty. Tina Fey is on the cover of this particular magazine, who is a middle aged woman that …show more content…

The lush, green stem with falling green beans at the very top of the page shows that this plant is in good condition and that these green beans are healthy to eat. The fact that the green beans are falling straight off the stem and into the can, with barely any space to fall, makes it appear that the green beans in the Del Monte can are newly picked and not contaminated with any chemicals or preservatives. The clean, empty background really makes the focal point of the advertisement the green beans falling off the stem and into the can. The fact that the background is just one plain color with no objects also makes the whole advertisement appear clean, cut, and to the point. Most of the words at the bottom of the ad are too small to read unless someone would get very close to the page, but there are three words in large red print that read, “Bursting with Life.” The eyes travel from the top of the page to the bottom, and those three words are the ads way of ensuring that the reader understands that these are the freshest green beans on the