Delinquency. What Is It And How Would You Explain It To Your Peers?

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1. Discuss and explain delinquency. What is it and how would you explain it to your peers?
The chapter discusses the different study of delinquency, what are those theories?

Delinquency is a name given to juvenile who participates in illegal activity. Criminal law defines a delinquent as a person who violates the law.
Delinquency is a name given to juveniles who have criminal behavior. The difference between a criminal and a delinquent is that one is a minor and once is an adult, however both participate in illegal activities.
The different study of delinquency is on the “shape of the continuum, a bell curve, represents the proportional distribution of juveniles along the continuum”.

1. Chapter one discusses the extent of delinquency; …show more content…

The official measurement of delinquency is based on records from various justice system agencies, however an issue with this is this is that the information and data will vary from one agency to another. When measuring juvenile delinquency using different methods results in different absolute levels and give different information about the offender, victim and the offense. One of the issues is that “delinquency is either delinquent or nondelinquent, with no middle ground”.

2. The Uniform Crime report is used to measure crime, the authors discuss some of the problems and criticisms of the UCR. Discuss the topic with objectivity and explain the pros and cons of the reports.

The Uniform Crime report to measure crime is that only crime that is known to the police is recorded and many victims chose not to report a crime, so the count of a crime shows that is lower than it is. The UCR focuses on serious offenses rather than minor ones that are also committed by juveniles. Additional concerns are that the UCR lacks information about the offenders, it does not count the number offenders but counts the number of offenses and the information on the UCR is voluntary as the information relies on individual agencies reporting their date accurately. However, the UCR provides sex of offender, race and age, in addition it provides the trends in delinquency which is a better way to examine how the offense rate changes over