
Describe The Significance Of Scope Of Practice Organizations

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It is important to understand the definition of scope of practice and its assumptions. A skill within a specific scope of practice is not own by a specific profession. What defines the scope of practice of a profession is the entire set of activities. Nurse practitioners are highly trained professionals but their abilities are not being use to their full extent. Nurse practitioner can and should do more of what the scope of practice mandates. There is no reason for a nurse practitioner with the training and education received not being able to add more skills to their scope just because they are already included within the scope …show more content…

It is because they care for the growth and future of the profession that the scope of a nurse practitioner continues to grow. But more changes need to be done and the Advance Nursing Practice should come together as other disciplines do to continue making changes in laws that regulate and dictate the extend of the scope of practice. Florida is still the only state where nurse practitioners don’t have full prescription authority for example. It’s thanks to professional’s organizations that the voice of nurse practitioners is heard within the Congress, Senate and House of Representatives. Nurses need to be involve in policy process to promote changes that sit this profession at the level of other disciplines like medicine. Professional organizations create awareness and mobilize their members to specific healthcare issues. Advocacy and awareness in healthcare policy are vital functions of professional organizations. They are vital to push for changes in laws in healthcare affecting nurse …show more content…

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National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty. (2015). Retrieved November 22, 2015, from National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty: www.nonpf.org
Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County. (2015). Nurse Practitioner Council of Palm Beach County. (enpnetwork) Retrieved 2015, from www.npcoucilpbc.enpnetwork.com
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