Asthma Speech

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What is asthma? Hear what I have to say. I am here with a blue “steroid” inhaler, and several medications. I do not want your pity. Hear me out. Put yourself in my shoes, and see what it is like to be connected to an inhaler, and breathing machine. Asthma is when you constantly sneeze, cough, and wheeze on a nice spring day. Everyone is outside playing softball, mowing the grass, and walking their dog. Here I am stuck inside, with an oxygen mask over my face to get the steroids into my lungs. Asthma is learning to sit still for breathing treatments. Who knew fifteen minutes could seem like an eternity. Asthma is remembering to take two puffs of a steroid inhaler before any exercise. Asthma is when you are running and it feels like you are …show more content…

Some triggers could be pollen, mold, dust, and exercise. Asthma is being married to an inhaler in case you get a “flare-up.” Asthma is constantly worrying if you will start wheezing when you see a trigger. Asthma is getting questioned about having asthma. “Do you really have asthma? How many times have you had an attack? Do you have a cool inhaler?” I roll my eyes each time, but answer with, “Yes I “really” have asthma. I am fortunate enough to have only had an attack twice. I would not say that my breathing problem is “cool”, but I guess I have a “cool” inhaler.” Asthma is a condition that should be taken seriously. Often people think that it is a made up disorder. Asthma is real and most people do not understand. Asthma is not something that is “fun” or “cool” to have, like some people may think. I live with this condition every single day. I have learned to live with it. There are people all around you that have the same condition I do, you just don’t know it. Don’t look at us with pity, but with understanding. Asthmatics are always the ones with the inhalers, but you will never see us