Development of the Gospels
The gospels are the narratives of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Each gospel shows a distinct viewpoint of his life. There are four extensively known canonical gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. These are synoptic gospels, except for John, because they share the same message through different stories however people must accept that there is conflicting information found in the Gospels. However, the Gospels are not biographies or science books of the historical Jesus, so it lacks information about precise dates, the description of Jesus’ physical features, his childhood teenage years, education, and family. Many people do not find a value any value in the Gospels because it is not historically accurate
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He was born c. 5 B.C.E., lived in a certain place and time, in a different culture than we do, and spoke a different language (Aramaic). At around the age of thirty he began his public ministry by proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God. Jesus did many remarkable miracles like healing the people and told pronouncement stories, short sayings, instructions to his Disciples, and Parables. He was not a Christian but a first century Jew. Pharisees saw him as irrelevant however many people saw him as a threat to the roman establishment. Since the Pharisees could not kill him the told the Romans to do so. As many people believe it was the Jews who killed him, in reality it was the Roman government. Jesus lived a normal life just like many of us but people forget about that because he is the Incarnate son of God. However, Incarnate means he was a real human being that lived during a real human times. Jesus’ resurrection cause people to rethink what they had experienced. People feared their own execution but Jesus’ resurrection saved them and brought them hope. Jesus was no longer called Jesus of Nazareth but instead Jesus the …show more content…
Through tie the realization that Jesus was not coming back soon added a need to preserve the church, which by now appears to have a future, through writing down the stories. There was a need to continue the instruction of Jesus’ life and teachings thus writing was a new way to instruct and inspire already existing communities throughout the Roman Empire. Editors and Redactors used only those narratives that were of importance to the early Church communities. They added exaggeration and symbolism to attract the audience. The evangelists who wrote the Gospels combines, summarized, and explained the different miracles, teachings, and parables that were suitable for their audience. Each of the Evangelist wrote the Gospels using a different skills and creativity to proclaim the honest truth about Jesus. The culmination of these two realities, Jesus’ life and teaching’s and oral tradition, made it necessary to remember Jesus in a new and authoritative way, preserve oral tradition, and enable future generations to encounter Jesus as the recognized