
Did Adnan Syed Really Kill Hae Min Lee?

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Did Adnan Syed really kill Hae Min Lee? A question people have been asking since the infamous case unfolded, which the Washington Post says, “arguably received more attention, review and support than any other criminal case, ever." The Adnan Syed case’s fame has earned it numerous productions, podcasts, and documentaries. One of the most well-known is the “Serial” podcast, created by Sarah Koenig. The first season of the Serial Podcast tells the story of how the highschooler Hae Min Lee was murdered by her ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed. It also dives deep into the unsolved mysteries, questions, and inconsistencies in the case. After completing the first season of Serial, I believe that Adnan is guilty of the crime because he was linked to Hae that …show more content…

According to Koenig in episode 6, “First off, there’s a question of whether Adnan asked Hae for a ride that day after school. Was he looking for an excuse to get in her car, so he could kill her? Officer Adcock testified that the day she disappeared, Adnan told him he’d asked her for a ride. Adnan later told a different cop he didn’t ask for a ride.” Why would he ask for a ride even though he could’ve driven himself? The fact that he asked her for a ride after school, means it should put him together with Hae at around the time of her alleged death. Furthermore, the police investigation revealed that she had died at around 2:36, because there was a call made at that time where Adnan is said to have told Jay to come pick him up post-murder. Since this pins Adnan to Hae close to the time of her murder, it makes him a likely suspect and gives the police evidence to prove him guilty. Another detail that proves Adnan’s involvement with her murder is Jay’s own involvement with the crime. Jay was the one who confessed to the police that he helped Adnan hide Hae's …show more content…

It is likely he was filled with anger and sought revenge. Prosecutor Kevin Urick’s statements strengthen this argument, “He became enraged. He felt betrayed that his honor had been besmirched, and he became very angry, and set out to kill out Hae Min Lee.” Soon after the breakup, Hae starts dating a new guy named Don around January 1st, which is awfully close to the day she disappeared. Along with the breakup, this could’ve given him another motive to kill Hae. In addition, Sarah Koenig mentions there are times in which Adnan blatantly says he wants to kill Hae in episodes 1 and 6. In episode 1, Jay tells the police, “We had a conversation. During the conversation, he stated that he was going to kill that bitch, referring to Hae Lee. I took it with context. It didn't stand out in my head any.” Likewise, in episode 6 Aisha Pitmann says, “But then, at the top of the page it says, “I’m going to kill.” In pen. I talked to Aisha about it.” In court, they take these statements seriously, so it definitely makes Adnan look suspicious. I argue that Adnan Syed is guilty of murdering Hae Min Lee because he was linked to her on the day of the murder, and he is the only suspect with a possible motive. Adnan asking Hae for a ride on the day of her disappearance means he should’ve been the last person to see her, and witness Jay’s story back up, meaning that Adnan must’ve killed Hae and Jay helped him

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