Subcultural Theory

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Social learning and subcultural accounts of criminality reflect those crimes that are more likely to be committed by the working class-poor and middle. These two theories require a level of social interactions with in member of a society. This interaction is a rather negative one since it leads to no other than deviancy. Divency according to these theories occurs either from an earlier point in life or later on. Important to note, deviance is not a daily norm. It only occurs in a manner that will result in a gain of respect or position. Social learning and subcultural theory revolve around the influence social circles have on an individual. These circles range in size but are not massively huge across the board. These groups are so influential …show more content…

Some even call it a lie since, “no evidence that any subcultural values required or condoned illegal behavior” (Erlanger, 1979). Erlanger’s idea basically discredits the theory in its entirety. Negative connotations are no stranger to this theory and as result, it has decreased in relevance. However, the subcultural theory is still a thing and affecting criminal behavior significantly. Subcultural theory deals with class as its primary vehicle. Therefore, influencing those classes who have received a negative connotation attached to be more criminally involved. The same idea happens in a gang. Gangs are seen as a burden to society, yet those in the gang see the gang itself as a ritual. A ritual of goodness that despite what the public opinion says, they are in all in favor of it. From there, norms and regulations are set thus further enhancing gang …show more content…

As a kid, you are deeply influenced by your peers. In fact, you are taught to mirror and abide to you your peers. Nevertheless, not all peers are good peers. So if you were raised by a deviant peers, you would more than likely reflect their behavior somehow. The reflection of this behavior could be traced in their behavior in schools. Fighting or getting in trouble are good indicators of a potential deviant peers. If a certain level of maturation within the child 's does not occur as the kid gets older, it is almost inevitably for the child to lean towards criminality. The same dilemma applies to subcultural accounts. If you are prone to a deviant environment and find justification with it like respect or protection, you are going to enhance that in order to survive. Mafias are living proof of the subcultural theory, the elicit to criminally in order to have financial gain and survive. Some societies on one hand somehow accept it because they are either born into the family or receive a beneficial gain from it. Lastly, a connection can be drawn between these two theories. Most deviant peers are as kids are introduced to criminality at an early age as well. Making them part of the subculture for one and indulging in it later on, since that 's what they know and been witnessing for a while. This in fact seems to be a never ending cycle that should receive more attention and is a possible