Dilated Cardiomyopathy Case Study

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Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a condition which affects the heart muscle. The left ventricle of the heart becomes enlarged which can result in the inefficiency of blood being pumped around the body. In Lily’s situation, this was a genetic condition however this condition may also be caused by viral infections, auto-immune disease or even pregnancy (British heart foundation, 2017).
According to Feldman, (2004) children with chronic medical conditions are expected to require longer hospital stays. There are many issues which can impact childhood development on the hospitalised child. Factors that can affect age-appropriate development include the type of health condition the patient has, coping mechanisms of both patient and their families, the length of hospital stay and the extent of parental involvement in their child’s care (Lehner and Sadler, 2015).
Physical and motor development is often …show more content…

(1992) conducted a study on 250 women who had lost their mother either through separation or death by the time they were 17. The study found that the rate of anxiety and depression was doubled. the study also found that the rate of depression was at its highest with those women whose mothers had died before they reached 6 years of age. Relating this study to Lily, although her mother is still present in her life, the time she spends with her is limited.
Although Bowlby did not argue that young children may develop multiple attachments, he did have the viewpoint that a mother’s attachment is unique and the most powerful. However, Schaffer and Emerson (1964) discussed that it only by 8 months’ that specific relationships are formed and shortly after young children become attached to more people. Rutter (1972) noted that common attachment indicators such as crying or becoming distressed when the so called attached person leaves have been conveyed for other attachment family members such as siblings, peers and even