Direct Mail Essay

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Nine Reasons Direct Mail is Alive and Kicking when Marketing to Seniors
Despite its importance and persistence in helping to sell everything from cable television to political candidates in the twentieth century, marketing by direct mail has largely been thought of as an old and dying marketing channel in the world of digital marketing that we live in today.
In some industries this may be true, but when it comes to marketing to seniors, direct mail still reigns as king.
Here are the nine reasons why you shouldn’t ignore direct mail, particularly when it comes to marketing to the mature market.
1. Direct Mail takes Personalization to a New Level. Studies successfully showed that using personalized direct mail as part of a wider digital strategy can see response rates
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3. Direct Mail Complements a Digital Strategy. Studies have shown that direct mail sent within 24 hours of an abandoned online basket can have a conversion rate of over
40% and outperforms email by 16%.
4. Taking Action. 79% of consumers will act on direct mail immediately, vs only 45% for email. 5. Older prospects equal better open rates. While people who are 55+ are at times viewed as one segment, it may be helpful to consider that direct mail is most effective in targeting fully retired prospects who are 70+.
6. When it comes to Seniors, don’t rely on the Web Response. While it is acceptable to include an online channel in direct mail to seniors, do not rely on this channel to carry all the response. The current breakpoint for use and acceptance of computers is about 70 years old. Older than that, and people did not use them at work; they’re not comfortable with them, and the utilization of computers is significantly lower.
7. Direct mail is perceived as a daily gift and can seamlessly connect the Digital and physical world together if done