Disability Rights Movement: A Brief History Of The Disabled

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Dillan Chan
Period 6
Due March 23rd
The physically and mentally disabled are less likely to be hired from a job than a non-disabled person even when the law now prohibits discriminating against them. The disabled have been looked down upon and pitied for years and seen as non functioning by society because they aren't given the chance to prove themselves as an individual which is why they are less likely to be hired by employers. The disabled have to go through many stereotypes, discrimination, and false pretenses against them.
Throughout the entirety of history the disabled have been a minority and discriminated against and are only recently getting the recognition that they deserve. Americans with disabilities is a group of approximately …show more content…

“In the 1880s’s the disabled were considered weak, tragic, and pitiful individuals who were unfit to contribute to society” (“A Brief History of the Disability Rights Movement”). In the past physically disabled were forced to undergo sterilization in order to get rid of unwanted features in society. Disabled were also forced to spend much of their lives in asylums in order to keep them hidden from society. Many talented and smart people with disabilities were unable to get work because work sites offered no available way of entry for …show more content…

Brink, Susan. “How Is The World Treating People With Disabilities?” NPR, NPR, 18 Dec. 2016, www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2016/12/18/504964701/how-is-the-world-treating-people-with-disabilities.

“Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics Summary.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 21 June 2017, www.bls.gov/news.release/disabl.nr0.htm.

Midwest New Media. “Workplace Fairness.” Disability Discrimination, //Www.workplacefairness.org, www.workplacefairness.org/disability-discrimination.

Arlene Mayerson. “The History of Americans with Disabilities Act.” Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund, dredf.org/about-us/publications/the-history-of-the-ada/

“See How Your State Ranks In Employment Among Workers with Disabilities.” Fortune, fortune.com/2017/02/28/disability-employment-rank/.

Changes in the Views of Disability.