Discovery Of Insulin In The 1920s

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Before discovering the dangers, scientists used to include chloroform and alcohol as ingredients in general anesthetics. The 1920s were revolutionary times in the science world. New medical discoveries were common, whether they were biological or having to do with surgical procedures, and the dangers of using chloroform and alcohol were soon discovered, though there would be no statistics until the 30s. The 1920s was the beginning of modern medicine. It introduced new scientific discoveries, as well as the expansion of surgery and commercial medical products. Medical advancements in the 1920s proposed salvation for those suffering from diabetes with the discovery of insulin, in home care for minor wounds with band-aids and the discovery of …show more content…

Banting went to Professor J.J.R. Macleod, who then approved his experiment and gave him the minimal amount of equipment needed, along with ten dogs (“The Discovery of Insulin”). During the first experiment, Banting removed the dog’s pancreas. This resulted in the dog’s blood sugar raising. The dog became thirsty, frequently urinated and became weaker. Banting concluded that the dog had developed diabetes (“The Discovery of Insulin”). In the second experiment, instead of removing the pancreas, Banting ligated the pancreas and cut off all the nouBy the end of the 1920s, medicine had been forever changed, and the results increased life expectancy for many years to come.rishment the dog was receiving. After the pancreas had degenerated, Banting removed it, sliced it up and froze it in a mixture of salts and water. Banting and his assistant then ground up the pancreas and called it “insletin,” before injecting it into the dog. They concluded that a few injections per day kept the dog alive and it regained its health. The first human test of insulin was conducted in January of 1922 on a fourteen year old boy named Leonard Thompson. The test was a …show more content…

While looking through petri dishes containing “colonies” of a bacteria that caused boils, sore throats and abscesses, Alexander Fleming found that one petri dish had a mold growth that appeared to hinder bacterial growth (“Discovery and Development of Penicillin”). Fleming established that this mold had the ability to eliminate harmful bacteria, including the bacteria that he was originally researching, before tasking his assistants with isolating “pure penicillin” (“Discovery and Development of Penicillin”). Rickets, a disease that softens the bones in children due to vitamin D deficiency, was much more prominent back then compared to modern times. This is due to the discovery of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is historic for its ability to prevent Rickets which had been around for hundred of years