Working to Become A Diverse Group Counselor
A personal goal of mine, as a future counselor, is to become a diverse group leader. I desire to lead groups with cultural sensitivity and not limit members because of ethnicity, gender, religion, class, etc. My goal is to pursue a considerable amount of information on culture and the issues surrounding it, while conducting a therapeutic group. According to The Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW), section B.7, Best Practice In Performing, It is the group counselors responsibility to practice cultural sensitivity and seek information regarding diverse and cultural issues by working with group members and actively seeking outside sources (Thomas & Pander, 2008). I desire to use culture as an advantage in my
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In order to accomplish group competency, I will need to continue psychoeducation in counseling, attend conferences, and experience group counseling first hand. Keeping my education current and relevant will guide me to new understandings and the competency needed to be a therapeutic counselor. Attending conferences will lead me to further education and new findings. The art of practicing group counseling will allow me to learn from my experiences. All of these ways to accomplish competency will strengthen my appreciation for group counseling (Killacky & Hulse-Killacky, 2004).
As a future counselor, I will strive to meet my goals of becoming a competent and multicultural counselor. The ASGW and The ACA Code of Ethics is intended to guide counselors by demonstrating group leader responsibility, practice, strategies and interventions that are consistent with ethical and community standards (Wilson, Rapin, Haley-Banez, Conyne, & Ward, 2000). I hope to become a well rounded, competent, and diverse counselor who can conduct effective group