
Diversity: Microsoft Corporation, Johnson, And Johnson

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Two of the most diversified companies include Microsoft Corp, and Johnson and Johnson. Microsoft Corp., on their webpage you’ll see that Diversity + Inclusion= Success to them. Their strategy is to “Maximize the business impact of global diversity and inclusion to empower our people, transform our culture and delight our customers.” Just like many successful companies they believe a diverse community yields greater creativity and innovation. Furthermore there is a list of things that Microsoft Corp. does to recruit top diverse talent. The list includes: recruiting executive talent, recognizing and encouraging technical women, promoting the study of computer science at universities, encouraging girls and diverse students to study computing, etc. Microsoft Corp. supports schools, academic organizations, and offers many programs to minorities. A list of schools, programs, institutes, Microsoft Corp. supports is: the Anita Borg Institute, Historically black colleges, DigiGirlz progam, the National Society of Hispanic MBAs, etc. They have built a reputation or a brand image that truly represents their value of diversity in the workplace. “Microsoft recognizes that diversity gains will not be sustained unless the work …show more content…

They strive to deliver technology innovation through devices and services that inspire people of all ages and abilities as well as eliminate barriers, improve lives, and strengthen communities. A list of things that Microsoft Corp. has done to follow up with these values include bringing together 8 year skype disabled friends, creating innovative technology like Kinect Sign Language Translator that eliminates communication barriers, creating 3-D Soundscape information to help people navigate on their own, and

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