Does Child Abuse Build Character?
Would you beat your child? If it meant helping them learn about respect, perspective, and obedience? Sometimes time outs and taking away TV aren’t very effective. You may have to resort to more extreme options. It’s only a few slaps, what harm could come of it? But your child is still disobedient. You start to lose patience and the beatings start to escalate and become more and more harsh. The beatings become regular and violent. Your child finally becomes the cooperative, obedient child you have always hope for. At least that’s what you think. But what effect did it really have on your child? The act of child abuse is much more harmful than some people expect. It can cause severe depression and anxiety,
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They are constantly in physical and in mental pain. According to the joy foundation these children suffer from “ extreme anxiety, depression, dissociation, difficulty concentrating, academic problems in school-aged children and adolescents, withdrawn and/or difficulty connecting with others, flashbacks, increased hyper vigilance, and difficulty sleeping”. At this point your child’s physical and mental state are absolutely destroyed. So what does their future hold? The point of the abuse was to build character, thankfulness, and ambition. They futures should be bright. But unfortunately things don’t always work out the way you want them too. Actually “repeated exposure to stressful events can affect the brain’s stress response, making it more reactive and less adaptive. With time a child may react as if danger is always present in their environment regardless of what the presenting situation actually is”(The Joy Foundation). Instead of your child being success and grateful, they will be living in constant fear, pain, and panic. They will shut the world out and surround themselves with a cold exterior shell, with their perspectives warped and their minds sickened. At this point problems such as depression, alcoholism, sexual maladjustment, and multiple personalities will begin to develop. Now your child is in their own personal hell, and all of that “hard work” in the end didn't pay