
Does Marketing Matter Research Paper

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Does Marketing Matters? Yes, I believe Marketing Matters, marketing is important to organizations and customers. Company must expose their products and services in ways that will inveigle people to do business with them. Customers want to know what a product or services have to offer them. Also what utility can they received from it and where to get it. Also, marketing is vital to businesses and consumers, for the reason that it helps companies to know and understand the customer in the market well enough; so that they can provide produces and services that fits accordingly with consumer expectation and needs. And customers help in understanding what every goods and services have to offer them. Social Media Advertising is the promotion of a product or services by displaying these products and services mainly through the mass media like, magazines, bill boards, newspapers, television, and roadside ads. Also, any type of mass media as long as it reaches the customers and creates awareness about the various products in the market place. Publicizing is rather an informative process that corporation marketing enterprise uses to reach a consumer. Furthermore, this way of advertising is not only a source of information to the consumers, but it is also a way of helping them to realize the different …show more content…

Consumers need to have marketers who Takes the time to prepare an inclusive marketing strategy and competently roll out the stories of brand history which let customers know what the organization values are. This stratagem keeps customers engaged with the brand, build recognition, and embolden loyalty. But all those who are coming through the primary goal of building honest relationships that promote your product, or service, and creating integrity and trust with the people whom business or done

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