
Doing Well In High School (GPA)

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The classes I am doing well in are all but I know I can do better. Like I have A's that are minus or simply an A but it all sum up to something that I don't like at all. That is averaging my grade less than a 4.0 that I'm not quite used to getting. I also have a B that could also be part of why my GPA is low and it's in P.E. Which is the class I don't know how to improve because I've been told that a B was the highest grade since we didn't get graded much. I am doing okay in my classes because like I said before, grades are everything to me. So I try my very best into everything I do or hand in and the thought of having a GPA less than a 4.0 gives me the chills. Like seeing a B makes me feel like a disappointment to myself and stupid because A's represent that you could do anything and understand everything taught that you are going far in life. …show more content…

In order to continue to do well in my classes I need to come during advisory to get help in Khan Academy, retake tests that I know I can surely improve on, and talk to my teachers on ways I can get extra credit or make up a work. The classes I need to do better on is in English because I have an A and to raise my GPA it has to be an A plus. Also in Algebra 1 it's a A- and P.E. is a B. I am not doing well because in English I took tests in vocabulary that I got 10/13 or 7/8 and made my grades

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