Domestic Abuse Case Study

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1. Terms of Reference
At the request of Liz English, Contemporary Issues Lecturer, an evaluation of domestic abuse against men was carried out. This report outlines what domestic abuse is, what the signs of domestic abuse are, what do sufferer’s face, why domestically abused men do not speak up against their abusers and also society’s perspective of abused men. This report also due to be submitted on week 10.

2. Procedures
2.1 I presented ten people in the class with a questionnaire, about male domestic violence.
2.2 I searched the internet to find relevant information.
2.3 I referred to my case study to refresh my memory about what suffers face.
2.4 I looked at male domestic violence in soap operas, by watching clips and using the internet.

3. Findings

3.1 What is abuse? …show more content…

However, domestic abuse is so much more than just partners hitting each other. Firstly, a woman can abuse a man and a man can abuse another man in a homosexual relationship. Normally domestic abuse takes place in a family relationship (relative) or an intimate relationship (partner). Secondly, domestic abuse is not just hitting each other; it can also be emotional, mental and financial abuse, as well as physical abuse. According to Makenzie Bowker, who wrote an article on domestic abuse against men in 2012, 830,000 men each year are abused. Surprisingly, 30% of men abuse another man in a relationship. However, 70% of women abuse men in an intimate or family relationship, these statistics are relative in