
Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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Donald Trump has risen to a high popularity among likely Republican voters, just this past week a poll conducted by Rasmussen reported that 58% of Republicans believe that he will become the 2016 nominee (Trump’s Change). Trump’s initial popularity revolved around his statements regarding immigration; however, I believe the immigration part of the statement is not what is fueling his campaign. Trump is continuing to be popular because he is very honest about the issues and what he would do if he becomes the next president. Trump has very bold plans that most candidates would be terrified to put forward. For example, Trump made it very clear that he would build a literal wall between the United States and Mexico and make them pay for it. Such a bold stance on an issue catches the attention of the American people and they feel that they can trust him to get the job done and do it in a way that …show more content…

Based on the data, the economy and jobs are more important to the American people than immigration. It also indicates that health care and foreign policy issues are also important to the voters. Yes, immigration is important and it is in the top 5 of most polls, but it is not consistently at the top of the list (Problems and Priorities). So, Donald Trump must campaign on more issues if he wants to get all American voters on his side. Based on another poll released by Rasmussen, Donald Trump is trusted more (50% to 38%) than the likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton to handle the economy and job creation (Trumps Tops Clinton). This paired with the notion that the economy and job creation are one of the most important issues to voters means that Donald Trump should easily be the candidate they look to. Again, he must campaign on more issues than immigration if he wants to become the next

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