Donald Trump Persuasive Essay

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The election of 2016 is heating up, with the first vote will be casted on February 1st in Iowa. The front runner in the Republican primary is Donald Trump, a very controversial person and both loved and hated by people. Even though many people think Donald Trump is racist, xenophobic, and will make America a worst country if he is elected. Donald Trump should be the next president of United States because he will reform the tax code and he will stop illegal immigration. Donald Trump will make America great again because he will Reform the tax code to make America great again. Donald Trump will provide tax reliefs to the middle class and simplify the tax code so Americans can keep more of their income and achieve the American dream. Trump’s …show more content…

Countries like Mexico and other latin American countries has been taken advantage of America by exporting crime and poverty using illegal immigration to America. Mexico has published directions for illegals to cross the border safely and find refuge in America. American Taxpayers have been paying billions for health care, housing, education, welfare and other costs we have to provide for illegals(Trump Immigration reform). Illegal immigrants have a huge impact on crime. in 2011, there was 3 million arrests associated with illegal immigrants(Hahn). Trump can solve this problem by enforcing our law and building a wall on the southern border and make mexico pay for it He will also increase Immigration and Customs Enforcement by 3 times to patrol our borders. He will deport all criminal aliens, obama has released 76,000 aliens with criminal convictions. Criminal aliens are going to be returned to their home countries. Donald will defund sanctuary cities that helps and supports illegals. Donald is not going to grant cities that does not follow the federal law. Ending birthright citizenship, kids of illegals who have a children in the USA will be deported so will their anchor babies(Trump Immigration Reform). Donald Trump’s immigration reform will grantee americans jobs and will put american workers first, not