Donald Trump Pros And Cons

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Trumps Travel Ban
President Donald Trump issued an Executive Order, Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States. This Executive Order 13780 dated 6 March 2017. It aims at replacing the analogical executive order 13769. Though the orders have the similar purposes, they are considered to be the extremely different. The Executive Order 13780 is also known as “Travel Ban”. As the previous version the Executive Order 13780 has become the subject to the legal challenges. This essay examines the “Travel Ban” and provides its summary. The key target of the essay is to explain why President Trump believes it is necessary to have this Order, given the current political climate. The Executive Order 13780 is examined …show more content…

The exceptions are also extended to the citizens with dual nationality, who travel on the passports of the countries, not included in the list of restricted ones. Though the Executive Order predicts the expanded list of the exceptions, the agencies are eligible to decide whether the foreign citizen can be allowed moving free in the state`s territory or not. The Executive Order 13780 claims the following: “Consular officer, or, as appropriate, the Commissioner, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), or the Commissioner's delegee, may, in the consular officer's or the CBP official's discretion, decide on a case-by-case basis to authorize the issuance of a visa to, or to permit the entry of, a foreign national for whom entry is otherwise suspended” (The President, Donald Trump Sec. 3 (c)). The agencies examined a visitor as the potential threat to National Security of the United States. If a foreign citizen is capable of proving clear intentions and causes for the arriving in America, the citizen will receive the approval for