Drunk Driving Persuasive Essay

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Going out tonight to have a few drinks, one would think to themselves, “I will be fine to drive.” Later that evening there is a car accident that kills one and injures one. It is later found that the intoxicated driver is only injured while the other innocent driver has been killed. This scenario can and does happen and something needs to be done. Not only do drunk drivers hurt themselves they also have the potential to hurt others with their actions. Drunk driving is easily preventable and if prevented the benefits would be outstanding. Although drunk driving accidents have dropped, it is still a major problem in the United States and more needs to be done. Drunk driving dates all the way back to the early 1900’s when cars where first invented. …show more content…

If they are not capable or over the legal limit they will be arrested and the streets will be safe for everyone. However, what about the people that we don't know about? “People were drinking and driving at least 112 million times during 2010, and we know that only 1 percent of people were arrested. So 1.4 million drivers were arrested for drinking and driving” (“Would Lowering The Drunk Driving Threshold Make Us Safer?” 1). The number of people that were driving intoxicated and not caught is unacceptable. Not only are they breaking the law, they are putting themselves and others at risk. “Mothers Against Drunk Driving” has given this statistic “An average drunk driver has driven drunk 80 times before first arrest” (1). The problem with drivers getting away with this is there is not enough awareness and police officers on duty. If there was more money for these two solutions the number of drunk drivers not caught would go down which would eventually lead to the number of drunk drivers down as well. With awareness of this problem, people will be more responsible and not drive themselves home and get a designated driver. Also having more police officers out to stop drunk drivers will reduce the number of drivers committing the crime. The amount of people driving intoxicated not caught presents an immediate risk to everyone on the