Dupage Medical Group Mission Statement Analysis

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The mission of the Dupage Medical Group (DMG) is to enhance the physical well-being of the patients we serve by continuing to provide the highest quality medical care available. (About Dupage Medical Group. n.d.). Based on the text by Ginter, Duncan & Swayne (2013) I believe the above mission statement meets some of the requirements to be considered an effective mission statement. These authors tell us that a mission statement should be a written account of the reason an organization exists, with its’ distinct purpose. While mission statements are broad statements that endure over time they are more concrete than a vision statement and “not an expression of hope” (p. 168). It shows how an organization fits into a specific environment and distinguishes it from other organizations of its type. It identifies the scope of operations based on who the primary stakeholders are, what business they are in and what service they will provide. “The mission provides direction” (Ginter et al., p. 173) and must be the basis for decision-making about the future of the organization. To truly be an effective mission statement it must be put into practice and followed by the leaders of the organization. …show more content…

(2013) describe in their book. The DMG statement includes a broad description of purpose: to enhance physical well-being. It identifies the principal service as providing healthcare focused on the physical aspect of clients. By my observation they deliver on this focus on physical health and don’t seem to get distracted by the emotional, psychological or spiritual needs of patients. Whether this is a desirable objective or not is a separate discussion. The DMG statement specifies the broad public image that DMG would like to portray. They would like to be seen as providers of the highest quality medical care. This is a concise statement that sums up how they see