ESPN College Essay

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There are a few reasons for why I chose this book to do for class. First reason, is that I love sports. I’ve been passionate about it for as long as I can remember. One of the few shows I would watch besides your everyday Saturday morning cartoon was Sports Center. Another reason is that sports run in my family. My dad works for ESPN, he is the vice president of remote operations. So basically, whenever he does a show it’s everything behind the scenes related. He is one of the people to make sure everything goes smoothly. My older sister also works for ESPN. She works on the set of Sports Center, so she’ll get to know some of the on-air personalities. The connection this has with the course material is that ESPN has become a global empire not …show more content…

If you’re interested in sports and want to go into the sports media business, then this book will help you get to that goal. This book tells the history of ESPN, and how it got all of its’ programs that most sports fans watch to this date. For those that may not know, ESPN became the first TV station to focus 24/7 on sports. This, according to the author, was every guy’s dream come true. Not only was the book talking about the origins of some of ESPN’s most well-known shows, but it also discussed how it’s commercials, films, and the award show, the ESPY’s came to be.

After reading the book, I was able to find the following strengths. First, this is a good book for anyone who loves sports, and who would like to know where ESPN got their roots. This also gave us the stories about how some of the shows ESPN made, came to be, like Pardon the Interruption and how they ended up buying ABC which gave them access to Monday Night Football. It also turns out that ESPN can be very competitive, to make sure that they’re the first team on the story. There was a story when retired baseball star, and then manager of …show more content…

ESPN isn’t just a media business, but there’s also a lot of marketing that goes into it as well, and people who are looking to go into either marketing or public relations will probably be interested in what is being offered. This book will give you great knowledge of the media/marketing business. I plan on working for ESPN after graduating from college and going into editing highlight videos. I learned about what the business is like after talking to my dad, sister and people they have worked with or currently work with. While the TV business is among the hardest places to work, it’s still a great experience. I didn’t know I wanted to go on TV until after doing the school news when I was in high school. Also, if you’re into sports and would like to know more about the sports media business, particularly ESPN then you’ll definitely like this book. While this isn’t a “How to” book, this does give some great information about what makes a good show work. I did an interview with a man who works on the set of ESPN’s College GameDay, the show where they travel to a college campus around the country before a big college football game and discuss statistics and stories that revolve around college football. Every