Early Literacy Interview

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kept her daughter interested in reading by buying her books that were interesting to her. Encouraging her daughter to explore early literacy by reading to her every day, going to the library, joining book clubs for children, and giving incentives were the tools she used when her daughter was young
My second interview was with Mrs. McCallum. What I learn from interviewing her, was as a parent with elementary age boys, literacy is high priority. When she reads to her children, she says that she reads with enthusiasm, and then asks her sons to recall events, characters and actions that were portrayed in the story that she read with them. Doing this allows her to check their comprehension of the story.
Mrs. Marhle was my third interview. Mrs. Marhle has a 2 1/2 year old and 16 month old toddler. Literacy is so important to her, I learn something that was very interesting in my interview with Mrs. Marhle, she share with me that she started reading stories to her children when she was still pregnant with them. She stated that she and her husband take turns reading to the children every night. They have age appropriate books accessible for the children to look at all times. They also have an art time in their house where the children can choose to color or finger paint. …show more content…

James was my fourth interview. She has an 8 year old daughter and twin one year olds. She values literacy very much in her children’s lives. She has her older child reads at least 20 minute a day, and she has her read to her in the car on the way to school. She encourages her child to read by having a child’s “library” in her room. She also models for her child, by allowing her child to see her read daily. During this interview, I learn that she and her daughter visit the library on a regular basis and they read signs in the community while driving in the car. She asks her daughter to answer the questions who, what, when, where, and why pertaining to the