Edgar Allan Poe Accomplishments

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Around the year 1845, an infamous literary writer named Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poetry piece deemed, "The Raven." This piece was a staple in Poe's career, allowing him to grow becoming one of the most preferred poets due to "The Raven" garnering him so much popularity. On October 9th, 1849, tragically Poe (at the time) mysteriously died. No one was seen around him at the time nor spoke to him; this was a mystery that no one could solve easily. As time passed, his death continued to be a mystery. People thought back to his literary works acknowledging the fact it was almost always portraying something.

Poe was born on January 19th, 1809, the parents being David Poe Jr. and Eliza Poe. From an early age Poe never really had the best childhood or a great life due to his parents mistreating him for so long. When Poe was two years of age, his father abandoned him and his mother, but not too long after both David and Eliza Poe died coincidentally around the same time. This left Poe with no one to stay with or take care of him so he got adopted. Although his adoptive parents wouldn't treat him …show more content…

The story starts off with a man who sits in his chair near his fireplace during a lonely night. He grieves about his dearly departed wife who died, Lenore. As he mourns he hears clacking at the door. Then, whenever he checks the loud door, nothing was there... Soon enough the sound banged again; this time, it came from the window. He approached the window being met with a horrifying glare. He slowly opened the window being nervous for every second. But then, out of nowhere, a raven swoops through the room landing on the head of Pallas Athena, the god of wisdom. He would ask the mysterious bird questions as if it would give him a serious response, although the bird only responded with

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