Education And Poverty: Annotated Bibliography

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Meyer, D.F. & Keyser, E. Soc Indic Res (2016) 129: 147. doi:10.1007/s11205-015-1096-1

Meyer and Keyer review the basic essentials that are needed in Africa by conducting a study. They use a “Lived Poverty Index” in order to test the importance of basic needs. This source can further be used as an overview of the poverty present in Africa, show what is lacking in a common household, and lead to a decrease in poverty. It further provides support by determining the presence of poverty and its effect on individuals that can further tie into the effect it has on education.

Roby, J. L., Erickson, L., & Nagaishi, C. (2016). Education for children in sub-Saharan Africa: Predictors impacting school attendance. Children & Youth Services Review, 64110-116. …show more content…

It additionally recognizes the effect poverty has and how this problem can be diminished. Therefore, a study was done in order to gather information on a common household in Africa to show the true effects. The overall goal is to provide school to all children. rograms exist to aid in paying for school, though additional issues may arise, such as students entering the labor force.

Kattula, D., Venugopal, S., Velusamy, V., Sarkar, R., Jiang, V., S., M. G., & ... Kang, G. (2016). Measuring Poverty in Southern India: A Comparison of Socio-Economic Scales Evaluated against Childhood Stunting. Plos ONE, 11(8), 1-13. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160706

The source measures poverty present in India by partaking in a door-to-door survey. It includes a study using socioeconomic status scales that measures multiple factors that effect a common household. By comparing four of these scales, it shows that 85% of children go to school regularly. Furthermore, this source provides an understanding of the presence of poverty and its effects due to the fact that a decrease in socioeconomic status scaled leads to an increase in