Educational Philosophy Statement

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As a teacher, I believe that it is my job to make learning interesting and beneficial. Over the next school year, I would like to get to know each of your children as students and as individuals. Building a strong relationship with my students will allow me to help them with each of their unique needs and abilities. It is my goal to have my students’ think of the classroom as a place to learn and have positive experiences. Each student brings his or her own ideas and points of view to the classroom. I hope this year, we can learn from each other and celebrate each other’s differences. Another goal I have is for the classroom to be a safe and open environment. This way we can all feel comfortable asking questions and sharing ideas.
As a class, we will come up with guidelines to follow during the school year. These guidelines will be posted in the room and a copy will be given to each student. I will not allow bullying or any other negative behaviors to take away from learning. Students will be given a chance to sort out any behavior issues with me in the classroom before taking further action. Anytime a student is not in the classroom, he or she is missing out on useful information. I plan to keep students in the …show more content…

Each student has different strengths and struggles and would benefit from having choices. Throughout the year, I will be providing students with options in some assignments and some tests. They will have the chance to pick ways of showing what they have learned in an area he or she does well in or is interested in. Students will also have to choose something that they struggle with. This way he or she can improve in an area they are not the best in. Students will be able to make-up assignments and tests after being absent. Each semester, students will be able to turn in 3 late assignments with no penalty. After the 3rd late assignment, 10 points will be taken off each day the assignment is