Effective Communication Plan Analysis

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Effective communication skills and practices are generally the most important part of the customer service experience. What we say and how we say it can be as impacting as what we don’t say. Face to face interaction, telephone, email, social media, and electronic surveys enable businesses to connect with the customer in real time. Developing a comprehensive communication plan allows the business to connect with the customer, track their buying habits and is imperative to controlling the message. The communication plan is the roadmap successful procedures and the spring board to implement new processes. Clear and consistent communication is vital to developing great customer relationships. Front lines employees must be professional, …show more content…

Businesses that establish and communicate rapid response timelines for phone calls and email to their employees position themselves better for success. A script and other guidance help to ensure consistency with customer engagement. The style of delivery may be slightly different depending on the representative, but at minimum a successful firm has procedures that are communicated to the employees that often outline response times, methods and responsibilities. In my current position as the Lead Small Business Specialist I developed the Regional engagement plan between our office and the business units we service. The plan outlines the outreach plan, role of management in promoting the program and the activities our office undertakes to administer the program. The plan ensures that all stakeholders understand their role in promoting the program. The plan is reviewed and updated annually to improve on the process based on customer …show more content…

When a small business is interested in information I coordinate responses with my internal stakeholders. I establish timelines for response and designate internal contact responsible for providing the response to the vendor. During the process I communicate the expect response time to the vendor and inform them of anticipated delays. This organized and consistent communication helps to set expectations and ensure a timely response.

The future trends of customer service will be driven by technology and data. Customers access to at a glance through the internet and shopping comparison tools will continue to evolve. Mobile technology and A
They want responsiveness
More on line interaction through video conferencing will add an additional tool to interface with customers. In the medical service industry, virtual consultations are growing especially in servicing customers in rural areas to minimize travel. The technology for follow up consultations by telephone; on line prescription and appointment requests; and electronic medical records will continue to grow to facilitate the customer