
Embedded Sustainability: Carnival Cruise Line

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Sustainability has always been an important factor in Carnival Cruise Line’s business decisions. In the final report, I will be exploring ways that Carnival Cruise Line can improve their sustainable value in the market. My research will be conducted by the following sources in this preliminary evidence report. Sustainability is made up by three pillars which includes: economic, social, and environment. The individual report will include several key elements from the book Embedded Sustainability by Chris Laszlo and Nadya Zhexembayeva. Applying the key elements from this book will make the recommendations in the individual report more plausible. The three big trends, strategic approaches, and embedded sustainability will be the main ideas used …show more content…

(2011). Embedded Sustainability: The next big competitive advantage. Stanford, California: Stanford Business Books. Embedded Sustainability is my main source of research on implementing sustainability into all core business decisions and to improve a company’s sustainable value. Laszlo and Zhexembayeva believe that the social and environmental value should be embedded into company’s product or service without a shift in price or quality. Embedded Sustainability gives basic tips on how to begin this new approach in maintaining and improving sustainable development in your company. When a company recognizes sustainability as a necessary cost in business, they will be able to meet the expectations of their stakeholders and consumers. This book will help me make recommendations about how Carnival Cruise Line can apply embedded sustainability elements Sustainability. (2014, October 1). Retrieved October 17, 2015, from http://ohh.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=140690&p=idol-hess Carnival Cruise Line’s corporate sustainability page provides a lot of information for their guests, employees, and stakeholders. The corporate page lists all of their annual Sustainability Reports as well as their 2020 Sustainable …show more content…

(2015). Implementing and managing economic, social and environmental efforts of business sustainability. Management of Environmental Quality, 26(2), 195. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1654891314?accountid=10610 This article uses four companies as an example to prove how each one is committed to the economic, social and environmental efforts of business sustainability and how they implement their ideas in to business practices, the market, and society as a whole. This article will allow me to compare and contrast Carnival Cruise Line with these four companies and make recommendations based off of what Carnival Cruise Line is doing as of today in sustainable development versus where they should be. What is sustainable development? (2009). Retrieved October 23, 2015, from http://www.sd-commission.org.uk/pages/what-is-sustainable-development.html This website presents the topic of sustainable development and how important it is for a company to maintain as well as improve their sustainable development. This website focuses on the future of companies and organizations that do nothing to improve their sustainable

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