Emotional Engagement Definition

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Another study (Bharwaney, 2007)conducted by Langhorn at Whitbread in the UK, has some fascinating findings which revealed a definite relationship between EI and organizational productivity. Based on this study, the factors for EI that are the best predictors of productivity appear to be Emotional Self-Awareness, Interpersonal Relationship, Reality Testing, Social Responsibility and Happiness.
The Consortium (Cherniss, 1998) for research on emotional intelligence in Organizations identifies 10 critical steps that formed the “The Optimal Process for Developing Emotional Intelligence in Organizations”.

Employee engagement is one of the most talked about topics in HR. Since the topic is so popular amongst scholars and researchers alike there …show more content…

The words that are commonly used are words like commitment, motivation, and ownership. The easiest way to define an engaged employee is that of; the individual who talks positively about his organization. He can be a long term employee, a key member of the organization, and the employee who gives his 100% each day.

What is Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Engagement??
Emotional Intelligence is defined as the ability to identify, understand, use, and how to manage emotions positively to communicate effectively and how well you deal with stress, how you can overcome challenges, how you can empathize with others, and reduce conflict. Emotional Intelligence has an impact on our daily life, like for instance how we interact and behave with others (Baron, 2006).

According to Baron (Baron, 2006), there are different models of EI:
1. Peter Salovey and John Mayer introduced the ability model which brings into light one’s ability to process and use emotional information in the …show more content…

Schaufeli (Schaufeli, 2002)has presented work engagement as a Linguist concept to burnout; they have defined work engagement “as a positive, work-related state of mind that is characterized by enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment”. They have also gone to state that engagement is not momentary, But it is on a border sense its “persistent and it is not focused on any particular individual, object, event,”
In his research Harter (Harter, 2003) referred to employee engagement as “the individuals’ involvement enthusiasm as well as satisfaction for