Emotional Intelligence Case Study

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Rosete & Ciarrochi (2005) investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI), personality, cognitive intelligence and leadership effectiveness. The analyses revealed that higher EI was associated with higher leadership effectiveness, and that EI explained variance not explained by either personality or intelligence quotient (IQ).
Côté & Miners (2006) presented a study that focused on how emotional intelligence (EI) and cognitive intelligence (CI) are associated with job performance. They developed and tested a model that posits that the association between EI and job performance became more positive as CI decreases. A study was conducted in which employees completed tests of EI and CI, and their task performance …show more content…

The study identified strong dispositional determinants of happiness. In line with previous findings, stability, conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness, were positively correlated with both happiness and trait EI. Finally, a significant amount of shared variance between happiness and the Big Five was explained by trait EI, which partly mediated the paths from stability and conscientiousness to happiness, and fully mediated the link between agreeableness and happiness.
Sunindijo, Hadikusumo & Ogunlana (2007) conducted a study to examine the benefits of emotional intelligence (EI) to project management in terms of the style of leadership. The results revealed that EI affected leadership behaviour of the project leader. In addition, project managers with higher EI used open communication and proactive leadership styles. Finally, it was found that EI generated delegating, open communication, and proactive behaviour, which would bring positive outcomes to the …show more content…

The analysis revealed that majority of managers were emotionally intelligent but they had a moderate knowledge of the concept of EI. Also, a change in the level of EI was recorded to change according to the gender, age, level of education and working experience of managers.
Dehghanan, Abdollahi & Rezaei (2014) examined the influence of Big Five personality traits on emotional intelligence (EI). The analysis revealed a positive and significant association of EI with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness. Whereas, EI and neuroticism were significantly and negatively correlated.
Akhtar, Boustani, Tsivrikos & Chamorro-Premuzic (2014) explored the influence of Big Five personality traits, work-specific personality and trait emotional intelligence (EI) on work engagement. The analysis revealed that trait EI, openness, interpersonal sensitivity, ambition, extraversion, adjustment and conscientiousness predicted work engagement.
Papathanasiou & Siati (2014) investigated the emotional intelligence (EI) and job satisfaction of employees in Greek banking sector. The results revealed that gender, age, marital status and job position affected the level of EI. Also, EI influenced the level of job satisfaction.