The objective of this paper is to understand the evolution and models of emotional intelligence and its significance in mental health. Emotional intelligence is the combination of two constructs: emotions and intelligence. In our day to today interactions and decision making we have to use a combination of mind and heart. In earlier periods researches gave importance to cognitive intelligence. Later, emotional intelligence drew the attention of researchers. The term emotional intelligence was coined in 1990 by Mayer and Salovey but its distal roots lie in the social intelligence theory by E.L. Thorndike in 1920. Emotional intelligence refers to the capability of an individual to understand and control his emotions and interpret and understand …show more content…
2005).. Goleman’s Model of Emotional Intelligence (Mixed Model of Emotional Intelligence) Emotional intelligence has been defines as “Being able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustration; to control impulse and delay gratifications; to regulate one’s moods and keep distress from swamping the ability to think; to empathize and to hope” (Goleman,1996). Goleman model consist of five components namely. Self awareness – The ability to recognize and understand self as well as affect on others. It includes self confidence as well as self assessment2. Self regulation – the ability to control and redirect impulses and moods and the propensity to suspense judgment and to think before action.3. Internal motivation- The ability to work for internal reasons such as joy in doing something which gives propensity to pursue goals with energy.4. Empathy- the ability to understand the emotion of others. Social Skills – the proficiency to managing relationships and building networks. Emotional and social competence inventory is used to assess the model of emotional intelligence. Mixed model of emotional intelligence is …show more content…
This model denotes the idea that emotional intelligence assesses the aspects of personality, cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence (Schutle, 2006)Traits model of emotional intelligence Trait EI is defined as “constellation of behavioral dispositions and self perceptions concerning one’s ability to recognize, process, and utilize emotion laden information” (Petrides & Furnham, 2001, p. 426). The traits EI are assessed through self reports. TEIQ SF is used assess trait emotional intelligence. Trait emotional intelligence model includes non cognitive competencies such as self esteem, self actualization, general mood and general well being. Trait emotional intelligence is defined as a constellation of emotion related self perceptions located at the lower level of personalities hierarchies (Petrides, Pita Kokkinaki, 2007).Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health