
Engaging Students And Parents In The Individualized Education Plan

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Engaging Students and Parents in the Individualized Educational Plan
Journal Article Review #1
LaQuita Clark
Liberty University Engaging students and parents in regards to focusing on a student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEPs) is very important to only for the student involved but also for the parent involved. Providing a safe, secure place for both parents’ and students is an important instrument. This tool provides a fair and appropriate education to all students which is covered by the federal legislation. Generally, both students and parents are invited to participate in the development of a student’s IEP. There are often times when all parents and students have little no affect in the development of a student’s goals, …show more content…

The IDEA also emphasizes on the importance of including student s and parents in the IEP process, because students will eventually transition out from high school and graduate to go on to pursue other mends of education or transition into to the career world. The authors presents a good understanding as well as a comprehensive approach to the IEPs process and the importance of consistent student and parental involvement which the author, encourages. The authors identify the need for more parent and student participation with the IEP process. The Students who participate with their IEP, develop accountability, self-advocacy, and achieve better through the instructional setting. Parents who become involved with their child’s IEP, has a greater appreciation for the teachers efforts and a relationship evolves between all parties (Cavendish, Connor, and Rediker, …show more content…

The authors give a plan that helps implementing practices in the IEP process that are easily versatile to all schools. When students are involved in the IEP processes, the authors point out that students are drawn into the process and helps them master proficiently. The authors helps us to understand that by giving parents input, allowing them to give proposed goals and interventions, and giving them a moment to freely state their thoughts and opinions; this gives parents an opportunity to actively participate in their children’s educational plan and not just be considered a spectator. The involvement from the parent helps increase participation and ownership of the

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