English 1301: Strategies To Successfully Increase My Performance

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Final Essay English 1301 has helped me dramatically increase my performance this year overall in many different areas. These strategies that have been addressed and taught throughout this year in class have improved my knowledge of subject matter in many ways. These concepts include academic language, grammatical structures, and the importance of providing valid evidence with including strengthening arguments. These concepts have helped me progress and educated me the most towards achieving a sound base of English. I saw them as my weaknesses before, and as I continued to progress in class, it felt more and more as a strength. What I once feared to challenge, is now something I enjoy to work and improve on. Language is important in this country, and considering that the native language is English, the importance of the language is within itself. It’s highly unlikely nowadays, to go outside and find someone who doesn’t understand English, or someone who doesn’t speak it. If you’re to run into someone like this, then it’s quite certain that their skill of academic language is not a strong point. Being foreign to this country, and just arriving a few …show more content…

You wouldn’t want to hire someone who is poor in their grammar and struggles to address customers or clients. Our end goal of education tends to always be jobs, and if we fail to understand grammar we’ll struggle in the real world when it comes to finding a job. Grammar often camouflages itself to little importance, with your everyday rap songs, and hip-hop music. Because of this, many students fail to acknowledge and use proper grammar. Taking this class taught me the importance and helped me correct any issues or problems I had. I too made mistakes here and there, but with the assistance of English classes as this one, I strived towards