English Reflection Essay

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The transition from middle school to high school has been filled with many ups and downs. My first months at Lindbergh High has been filled with stress, pressure, homework and most importantly, growth. I have observed that students are held to a much higher standard in general, but specifically, academically. English class this semester has revealed many weaknesses I face as a student. This class has pushed me to expand my mind and step out of my comfort zone, no matter how much I wish I did not have to. In my first semester of English One Honors, I have seen tremendous growth in my speaking, reading, and writing skills. I have noticed my development into a more confident public speaker due to the English One curriculum. Public speaking has …show more content…

I was mentally prepared, but that was not evident while I presented. As I stood up in front of the class, I knew my fear of public speaking was noticeable to everyone in the classroom. I desired to make a good impression, considering it was our first project, which I do not believe I entirely achieved. My major weakness for this project had to have been focusing to hard. During the presentation I was more worried about the logistics and getting my point across, that I forgot to do the things that make a good presentation, a good presentation. Ms. Wedig clearly gave us the opportunity to be confident by giving us a set of essential speaking skills such as our tone, body language, and preparedness. I honestly believe none of my speech assets were represented during this. In the research unit, my main downfall was the fact that it was a group project. Group projects have always been something I dislike because I always end up doing all of the work. Not that my group members were lazy by any means, but both of my partners had numerous absences during the time of preparation. My teacher tried to accommodate due to the situation, but still, I faced many struggles. On top of that, I did research on a topic that my Voice of Witness book was not even about