
Critical Reflection

798 Words4 Pages

In the concluding part of this paper, I will seek to investigate and evaluate these concerns using an experiential styled critical reflection, as I applied a Constructivist and Process based curricular approach, in this the first semester of my experience as a student teacher.

One of the key strategies I decided to adopt as a response to the weaknesses I previously identified, was to focus on more individualised and structured questioning techniques. On this occasion however, my priority would be to ensure it was far closer to the rationale outlined in Constructivist and Process curriculum planning. On critically evaluating my initial experience to teaching in this theory, I noted that I had tended to open my lessons by outlining my own personal …show more content…

Previous issues around indiscipline, due to lack of engagement, gradually began to disappear. Students started interacting more and to question one another’s theory, and in many cases reformulated their individual perspectives or viewpoints, as a result. Furthermore, those perceived as academically weaker in the classes, began to flourish, as I targeted more individualised lower-order questioning, to better motivate them. Likewise, when I challenged students on their developed theories using more individualised higher-order evaluative and analytical questioning, such as asking them as to why Jesus was born into such abject poverty? and is this fact significant in better understanding the nature of Christianity? Student engagement responsiveness and concentration, significantly improved. I became convinced therefore that by having a better understanding of the Process curricular design and Constructivist philosophy, I was able to noticeably improve my instructional capability and questioning technique, all of which positively succeeded in markedly improving the quality of student …show more content…

Following evaluation of my personal teaching techniques, coupled with structured colleague classroom critical observations, I was in a position to identify instructional and questioning practices in my initial teaching methodology, which had acted contrary to my stated curricular stance. As a direct response, when I critically addressed these practices, I was in a position to adjust and fine-tune some of my teaching techniques, and this led to an approach more closely aligned to a Constructivist and Process framed curricular rationale, and therefore led to an improvement in the effectiveness of student learning in my classes. While this paper has explored this journey of discovery, I am fully cognisant that there are many other areas where my teaching can improve in order to fully achieve the benefits of teaching in a Process framed Constructivist style. It is my firm intention to continually develop my pedagogical knowledge, especially as it relates and conforms to my preferred curricular stance, so as to further enhance my skills and technique

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