Essay On Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights are all what we call our founding documents, created by our founding fathers. These are documents that were deemed important many years ago, and have learned a little bit about them throughout our school years. Created between 1764 and 1791, these documents were written with intention of freedom and the good of the people behind them. The question still stands, however, even after all of these years have gone by, should we still be learning about these documents in school? Are they still relevant to this year of 2017, and the future years as well? I believe that yes, it is still important that these documents be studied in school. Not only do they teach about the past, the founding …show more content…

For example, the Declaration of Independence shows us who we were united with, which was Great Britain, and why we wanted independence, which was because of how the king was treating us. “The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations . . . an absolute tyranny over these states. . . . refused to assent to laws . . . forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance . . . dissolved representative houses repeatedly” (Perspectives 19) and many more examples of the harsh actions the king had done. The document also shows how our founding fathers and the colonists felt, further showing evidence on why they needed to break the bond with Britain, “In every state of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.” The King kept putting down the colonists, ignoring their requests, pushing more pain and suffering onto them, taking advantage of his power. However, our founding fathers and the people of the colonies would not stand for it anymore, and they broke the connection. The Declaration of Independence alone is a good enough reason to why we should be studying the founding documents, because it set the foundation of the freedom we have today, and the next two documents added to this