Criss Jami Let Them Silence Analysis

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Let Them Bathe in Their Silence Author Criss Jami wrote, “Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to hell.” But what is an introvert exactly? An introvert is a person who would rather spend their friday night either by themselves or with a small group of friends rather than attend a rowdy party at 3 a.m. They rely on their thoughts to keep them occupied and re energize on time alone. Extroverts, on the other hand, are more outspoken, outgoing, and get along with people much easier. Like extroverts, introverts’ characteristics can vary some, but are seemingly similar: reflective, tend to keep mainly to themselves, and are seemingly misunderstood ("The Myers”). Introverts are Thoughtful Think of the soft spoken people you know, the one that usually observe rather than speak in a group discussion; and when they do have something to say, its pretty obvious they put thought into their opinion and come off as intelligent or clever. The reason they seem so, though, is because the less they say, the more they think. They tend to soak up everything that has been said, think on it, then share their opinion. Author and psychologist Marti Laney states "Extraverts think we have answers but just aren't giving them. They don't understand we need time to formulate them" One thing …show more content…

The truth is, its not bad being an introvert. In fact, they should be proud that they are themselves in a world of extroverts. Because what would this place be without a variety of people.“‘Introvert’ isn’t a dirty word, or a character flaw to overcome”. So let the soft spoken people be soft spoken. Allow them to observe rather than participate, formulate ideas in their head and speak when they’re ready, and try your hardest to understand