Essay On Fact Families

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a. When I pulled the students journals to reflect on the learning I could see from their answers written that most of the students met the learning goal of writing the fact families. This was an increase from the start of the lesson since not one student knew what a fact family was. This increase in the amount of students who met mastery of the learning goals shows a better understanding of the concept and what areas the students struggled with. For example, at 10:00, I was working with one group who I seen was struggling with forming fact families. After I explained it to them and worked through one together they continued to work with the other numbers and form correct fact families and understanding of the material. This showed me that with …show more content…

I could also see that some students really struggled with this activity and learning goal. You can see in the video I spent the majority of my time helping one group on solving for the activity since they did not understand how to build from the numbers given without a visual.
b. My instructional strategies, interactions with students, and classroom management strategies all contributed to the students learning for this lesson. By questioning the students as I taught, I was able to see what they understood about fact families, addition and subtraction sentence formation, and to see if they could apply it to the activity and numbers. For example, at 5:02 I call the class back to me and show the students how I would form a fact family sentence and ask if I used my numbers correctly out of my bag to be sure they understood the goal. By doing this I was using effective instructional strategies to be sure the students understood. I was consistently interacting with students as you can see at to see what their responses were as …show more content…

If I were to teach this lesson again, I would change a few things. First of all, I would allow the students the ability to use some kind of manipulative to use as a visual to solve for the numbers. I feel that if the students had that visual to work with that the students would have been more successful and would not have struggled so much. I would have also done a problem on the board with the whole group that was like I was asking of them in the journal entry. It was difficult for the students to form the sentences correctly with just the numbers on cards and no visual prompt. This would have helped the students to know how to solve for the problems and could have helped them know exactly what I was asking them to do. Again you can see @ 2:09 and 3:50 they knew how to solve for the picture prompts I put on the board, but once I erased it and left them to complete the sentences without the visual picture many were lost. I should have filled out and guided the students through at least one of the problems in the activity. You can see @ 5:02 I put an example on the board but didn't complete it so the visual wasn't there and the students

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